SRC Lifeline 1/12/23
January 12th, 2023

Free Food Distribution
If you or someone you know is in need of food, there is a free food distribution each and every Friday here at SonRise! Please share for anyone in need. 4-5pm.
Baptism and Child Dedication
The next baptism and child dedication is happening on Feb. 19th during both services. If this is your next step you can sign up HERE!
Healthy Habits Class
Join us this Sunday at 10:15am. This class will focus on the 4 basic habits every Christian needs to develop in order to grow to spiritual maturity. It is designed to equip you with the skills you need to begin these habits & explain the tools you need to continue these habits. Scripture clearly tells us that we are to grow in our faith to become mature Christians in order to fulfill God’s will for our lives. Habits of a Healthy Christian was designed to put us on the path to fulfill that goal. Sign up HERE!
Meet and Greet
Immediately following our 10:30am service on 1/22, we will have a “Meet & Greet” for you and your family. If you haven’t met our lead pastors and staff, stop by The Great Room (in the church office!) after church. Lunch and child care provided!
We’d love the opportunity to connect and hangout, you can sign up HERE!
If you or someone you know is in need of food, there is a free food distribution each and every Friday here at SonRise! Please share for anyone in need. 4-5pm.
Baptism and Child Dedication
The next baptism and child dedication is happening on Feb. 19th during both services. If this is your next step you can sign up HERE!
Healthy Habits Class
Join us this Sunday at 10:15am. This class will focus on the 4 basic habits every Christian needs to develop in order to grow to spiritual maturity. It is designed to equip you with the skills you need to begin these habits & explain the tools you need to continue these habits. Scripture clearly tells us that we are to grow in our faith to become mature Christians in order to fulfill God’s will for our lives. Habits of a Healthy Christian was designed to put us on the path to fulfill that goal. Sign up HERE!
Meet and Greet
Immediately following our 10:30am service on 1/22, we will have a “Meet & Greet” for you and your family. If you haven’t met our lead pastors and staff, stop by The Great Room (in the church office!) after church. Lunch and child care provided!
We’d love the opportunity to connect and hangout, you can sign up HERE!

Posted in SRC Lifeline
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