SRC Lifeline 01/09/2024
SRC Lifeline 01/09/2025

Cares Ministry Needs
The Care Ministry its in need of your help;
1. As the weather continues to get colder and colder the need for hats, gloves and sox grows greater.
We’ve expended our supply and need to replenish.
The need is for the Beanie hats, Ski type Gloves and heavy socks.
Any assistance is appreciated.
If you have any questions please contact Pastor Tony @ ( or 443-736-6842
2. The need for rental homes is on the rise and with the weather growing colder it has been difficult to give assistance.
I am attempting to gain insight and build a list regarding availability. Anyone who has rentals available or knows of individuals or companies with rentals, please let me know.
Ladies of SonRise Bible Recap 1/18
Join us for a light breakfast, teaching, fellowship and group discussion about the Bible Recap! Please RSVP here!
Starting Point 2/9
If you are interested in becoming a member here at SonRise, or just looking for more information on the church then this is your next step! Sign up here!
Meet and Greet 2/9
If you are new to SonRise, we would love to meet you. Join the pastors and staff for a nice FREE lunch and learn more about SonRise Church! Sign up here!
Baptism 3/2
If baptism is your next step mark your calendar for March 2nd! You can find out more information or sign up here!
The Care Ministry its in need of your help;
1. As the weather continues to get colder and colder the need for hats, gloves and sox grows greater.
We’ve expended our supply and need to replenish.
The need is for the Beanie hats, Ski type Gloves and heavy socks.
Any assistance is appreciated.
If you have any questions please contact Pastor Tony @ ( or 443-736-6842
2. The need for rental homes is on the rise and with the weather growing colder it has been difficult to give assistance.
I am attempting to gain insight and build a list regarding availability. Anyone who has rentals available or knows of individuals or companies with rentals, please let me know.
Ladies of SonRise Bible Recap 1/18
Join us for a light breakfast, teaching, fellowship and group discussion about the Bible Recap! Please RSVP here!
Starting Point 2/9
If you are interested in becoming a member here at SonRise, or just looking for more information on the church then this is your next step! Sign up here!
Meet and Greet 2/9
If you are new to SonRise, we would love to meet you. Join the pastors and staff for a nice FREE lunch and learn more about SonRise Church! Sign up here!
Baptism 3/2
If baptism is your next step mark your calendar for March 2nd! You can find out more information or sign up here!

Posted in SRC Lifeline
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